X-ray data of eROSITA clusters
Here are the tables for the electron number density profiles, temperature profiles, gas mass profiles, hydrostatic mass profiles of the 22 eROSITA clusters in Li et al. (2024, A&A). Download them here.
Kinematic data for HIFLUGCS clusters
Here are the dynamical mass profiles measured with galaxy kinematics for 10 HIFLUGCS clusters in Li et al. (2023, A&A). The data can be downloaded here.
Baryonic models for the Milky Way
Here I include the data of 12 baryonic models (Model A&S, Bovy2015, Model I, McMillan2017, B2, McGaugh2019, E2CM, E2dJ, E2J, G2CM, G2dJ, G2J) for the Milky Way from Li et al. (2025). Both the expected circular velocity and surface mass density are given. Most of these models have a triaxial bar. Their circular velocity and surface mass density are azimuthally averaged. Download them here
Dark matter halos for 175 late-type galaxies
The catalogue of DM halos for the SPARC galaxies using seven halo models (pISO, Burkert, NFW, Einasto, Lucky13, DC14, coreNFW) considering both $\Lambda$CDM priors and flat priors. The tables are in the Tarball.
If you use the data, please cite Li et al. (2020, ApJS) at NASA/ADS.