About me

I am an assistant professor at the School of Astronomy and Space Science at Nanjing University. Before that I was a Humboldt fellow at Leibnize-Institute for Astrophysics at Potsdam (AIP) in Germany. I obtained my PhD from Case Western Reserve University in August 2020.

Job opportunities

I’m currently recruting a postdoct starting anytime. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work on his/her own projects in any filed of galaxies, galaxy clusters or cosmology using observations, numerical calculations or simulations. The position is initially for 2 years, but can be extended for one more year contingent on the availability of funding and performance. The guaranteed minimum annual salary is 240k CNY (there are extra benefits). The successful candidates should have a PhD by the time of employment,and under 35 years old (required by the University). Interested candidates should send a CV with a list of publication and a letter summarizing previous research and the research plan by email.

Fellowships for researchers from Germany

As part of the alumni program of the Alexander von Humboldt fellowship, I’m eligible to host Feodor Lynen Research Fellows (equivalent Humboldt fellowship for German citizens and researchers who got his/her PhD from a German institute). The fellowship lasts 6-24 months for postdocs (within four years after obtaining the PhD), and 6-18 months for experienced researchers. The monthly salary is estimated as 3876 €. For details check Alexander von Humboldt Stitung. There is no deadline for the application. The selection committee meets three times a year (February, June, October) to make the decision. If you are interested in applying, feel free to contact me by email.